Her Boyfriend Broke Up With Her Because She Was Fat... But See What She Did for a Sweet Revenge!
There are many reasons why some people are being dumped by their partners. One of those things is leaving you because of the physical appearance, we cannot deny the fact that most of the people are just looking at their looks.
As time past, physical appearance will also change, it is always depends on how you take care of yourself. The saddest thing to accept is when you are left behind by your partner because of you are not looking good enough to his eyes anymore.
This Chinese girl knows very well about that feeling of being dumped and its just because she was so fat. Xiao Xiao is from Zhengzhou of Henan province, China, instead of crying and sulked herself with their break up, she decided to undergo liposuction to remove some the fats from her body.
As a revenge, she decided to create a soap bar made from her own fats to send it to her ex-boyfriend. She posted on her Weibo account last January 7,2016 stating,
“Yang Xiaolei, do you still remember the last Spring Festival? Since [I] can’t accompany you to go home this year, I used my own fat to make a soup and give it to your mother for bathing. Spring Festival is the time to give a gift to those low-class men who judge women by appearance.”