The Confidential News

Natural Home Remedies for Awfully Dark Skin Spot Problem!

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There are some part or the human skin that is more darker than the usual skin color. Common body parts are underarms, elbows, knees, and between the joints of the legs. Experts says that those things are came from improper hygiene and improper taking of right foods, high consumer of sugar in the body can give be affected by those dark skin problems.

But, there are simplest ways and remedies that you can find at home and use to lessen and cure this kind of case.

1. Aloe Vera - helps reduce the darker color of the skin, it has a component which nourish the skin and reveal its natural skin color. Just simply rub the aloe vera gel on the  darker spots every time before you take a shower.

2. Baking Soda powder - is very common in whitening the stained things, it is also one natural ingredient to lighten the color of a darker skin parts. Mix one half cup of baking soda in a water, water should be enough to make a paste texture. Apply it on the skin and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it with warm water.

3. Lemon - have its natural acidity that helps lighten the color of the skin. It balance and remove all the unnecessary dead cells on the skin. Just simply massage it to your skin and rinse after.
4. Mix the Sugar and olive oil - wait until it becomes thick paste. Both of these ingredient are composed of substance that helps reveals its natural color. It is best for removing skin dirt. Just rub into the skin and see the result after washing it.

5. Potatoes Juice - is also effective in minimizing the darker skin color. Just simple apply o the skin area and leave for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it with soap and water.

6. Milk - has natural with composition that also help the skin become softer and releases the skin natural moisture. Leave it on skin for 30 minutes and rinse it you could feel the effect after washing it. try to do it before you take a shower.

7. Cucumber - slice a thin size and leave it on the skin for 1 hour, especially during night time. Cucumber can turn back the damage texture lost from the skin, it will cool and lighten up its color. Do this every night for best result.


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