The Confidential News

Heartbreaking Moment: 3-Year-Old Comforting Dying 3-Month Old Brother 'Kuya Is Here. Everything Is Ok.'

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A photo went viral and broke the hearts of netizens as soon as it was posted on Instagram. 

It was Sheryl Blanksby, hailing from Perth, Australia, who shared the photo, which showed her two children on a sofa. Her 3-month old baby, Thomas, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer from when he was 11 weeks old. There was nothing much they can do about it. So the family just decided to spend as much time with him. They went on vacations and made sure that they would have as many memories as possible with the poor baby

Their friends also helped them set-up a GoFundMe campaign to help them with the overwhelming medical expenses of Thomas, to make his short life somehow bearable. The campaign already reached $37,600, surpassing their initial goal of $20,000

The photo which went viral was taken during one of the vacations. Sheryl is in the bathroom while her husband was doing something in the kitchen. She immediately noticed the unusual quietness of the kids, so she silently approached them to catch them doing something naughty. But to her surprise, the two were in serious conversation, with William, her 3-year-old son, talking to baby Thomas, saying:  “Kuya (big brother) is here. Everything is ok.”

Sheryl captioned the photo with:
Heartbreaking Moment: 3-Year-Old Comforting Dying 3-Month Old Brother 'Kuya Is Here. Everything Is Ok.'

"#Throwback to when we were on our holiday. I was getting ready in the bathroom and husband was in the kitchen. The kids were quiet, especially Mr preschooler. You know the rules about when the kids are quiet. I tiptoed to the lounge with my camera ready to catch anything they are doing. I was expecting my baby to be covered in Nutella or something, but instead I saw this. My preschooler is telling his baby brother "Kuya (big brother) is here. Everything is ok". 

Sheryl then wrote:  “Watching my two sons together is a dream come true. Being a family of four has always been part of my daydreams. It’s now my reality and it’s trapped in this nightmare no family should be in.”

The story was shared so many times that it went extremely viral. Many netizens sympathized with Sheryl and offered her words of comfort. It already garnered about 7.1 reactions from netizens.

See photo below:

Heartbreaking Moment: 3-Year-Old Comforting Dying 3-Month Old Brother "Kuya Is Here. Everything Is Ok."

Source: LF

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