The Confidential News

Shocking: Mummy, Aged 1,500-Year Old is wearing an Adidas Pair of Shoes!

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A photo of a preserved corpse has caught a lot of attention in the online world. It was believed to be mummified after being buried in the freezing mountings of Mongolia. Researchers discovered the mummy to be existing 1,500 years back. However, netizens are wondering why the shoes of the man seem to be alike with the famous sports apparel.

The primeval human was discovered wrapped and buried in the first Turkic burial in Central Asia. A researcher named B. Sukhbaatar from the Khovd Museum believed that the body is female since there were no weapons found in the grave, and it might belong to a class hierarchy. Aside from that, certain ancient things were seen buried with the body, such as a saddle, a vase made of clay, a bridle, a wooden cookware, an animal feeder, a metal kettle, a dead horse and 4 Mongolian outfits.
Image from: KickerDaily
Some online users claim that since the man wears an allegedly Adidas shoes, it can be an evidence that time travel is possible. One Twitter user said: “Must be a time traveler. I knew we would dig one up sooner or later.”
A netizen on Live Leak posted: “The mummy had on some Adidas in the first pic?”

Professionals are now completing the studies to the corpse to verify the gender and confirm the reports on the initial investigation. They are also finding out the relevance of some pillows, sheep's head, travelling bag with the body of a sheep, dead goat and a leather bag, as found to be with the mummy.

Sukbaatar also said: “We can see clearly that the horse was deliberately sacrificed. It was a mare, between four and eight years old. Four coats we found were made of cotton.” The mummy was excavated from a three meter crypt and some officials believe that evidences leading to the human being a craftsman are so strong.

What might be the reason why the shoes of the mummy are like Adidas if she existed 1,500 years ago? Do you think this is really a sign of time travel? Share your thoughts in the comment box. :)

Source: KickerDaily / TNP


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  1. will if its true its true! humans are interested in that thing called TIME TRAVEL you know



