The Confidential News

A Guy Marries A Filipina Who Randomly Received His Christmas Donation 14 Years Ago!

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 Is love a coincidence or destiny? Your answer may vary on how you see love on your own perspective.
Some people would say YES, there are billion of people existing and you come across few hundreds of them but only one person can actually captures your heart. Just like the saying goes “It’s already written in the stars”.

However, others would say NO and it’s foolishness because your actions are responsible for the consequences, so it means there’s no such things as stars or what so ever. You then can create  your own destiny.

I want to share the story of Tyrel Wolfe from Idaho, United States and Joana from Quezon City, Philippines which truly shows how love moves in mysterious ways. Would it be destiny or coincidence?
Samaritan’s Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian aid organization which extends assistance focusing on crisis relief and development as part of their missionary work. They operate in more than 100 countries all over the world including Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Hong Kong, Netherlands, and United Kingdom.

Tyrel, 7 year-old back then, donated a shoebox box filled with school supplies, small toys and toiletries. He then put his own photos in a cowboy attire inside the package so that the receiver would have an idea who sent it.

The package distributed during the Christmas season by an Evangelical Christian Humanitarian Aid Organization which gives relief goods to less fortunate people especially the kids and it’s part of their missionary work. This organization operates in more than 100 countries across the globe mainly in Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Hong Kong, Netherlands, and United Kingdom.

One of the blessed beneficiary was Joana. She got Tyrel’s christmas package with his photo inside and she said it means so much to her. Jona sent back a “thank you” note to express her appreciation. Unfortunately, Tyrel didn’t receive any notes from her.

Years and days have passed, Joanna still treasured Tyrel’s photo. In 2011, that was 14 years later she saw him on Facebook and soon they started chatting to each other. They’ve realized that they have something in common since both of them are christian. They shared same interest  and love for Christian music.

Soon afterwards, love suddenly sparked for each other.

Tyrel had decided to visit Joana, so he used his hard-earned savings to buy ticket and fly to the Philippines. He visited her for 10 days.

It was a magical moment during their first meeting. Joana recounted “Once I saw his face, an amazing feeling came over me. I was so happy I cried,”  and for Tyrel he said &nbnbsp;“All I knew was Joana was the one.”


Tyrel went back to Philippines and asked Joana for marriage. The two finally tied the knot
on October 5, 2014. On their wedding ceremony, Tyrel and Joan requested their guests to donate Christmas care package to Samaritan's purse.

Tyrel said “Operation Christmas Child is what brought Joana and me together, so we wanted to somehow make the project a part of our celebration.”

Their love story is truly amazing. What can you say about their love story? Do you think it’s destiny or just merely coincidence? Share it with us.


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