The Confidential News

Watch : Filipino Couple Proves that they Could Do it ! Now they're Both Cum Laude on Their Degree!

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We always sets our goals towards relationship, Hoping to achieve something that we wanted together with our partner. A lot of couples wants to go somewhere travelling while capturing their sweetest moments in a photograph. Some just wanted a simple date with a candle lit on top of the table while a harmonious music is being played in a not so expensive restaurant just to experience a romantic evening with their loved ones.

But still there are people who's making it even more difficult and hard to achieve, not through expensive things but on their responsibilities.

Meet Harvey Aquino and Donalyn Sevidal and witness their inspiring story on how they have managed to achieve their dreams without destruction from their relationship.

These two managed not just to graduate on their courses but to achieve it with an honorable name of Cum Laude both on their Respective Degree. People started to adore them after posting their graduation photo and have gone viral on Social Media.

The couple said that commitment, trust, understanding and love are the basic foundation that they have in their relationship that is why despite having busy schedules they still managed to work things out.

The achievers never felt that they were competing. They support each other at difficult times. They became each other's inspiration to push further. Now they have their new goals, to work hard and earn money to provide for their family.

They have started to inspire others because of what they have achieved in their lives. I hope that you were inspired by these two.


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  1. "without destruction from their relationship"...or "distraction" ???


