The Confidential News

DIY: Most Powerful Breakfast Meal That Can Burn Fats Easily!

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides you with the energy and nutrients that leads to increase concentration on what you are doing. According to studies, breakfast has an important role in losing weight. The key to lose weight is to eat bananas, oats and foods that are high in Resistant Starch (RS) because it signals your body to use fat for energy.

Here is one recipe that is very nutritious and healthy that will help you to lose weight and suitable for your breakfast:


-1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
-2 tablespoon of oat flakes
-1 tablespoon of ground flax seed
-300 ml kefir (low fat yogurt)
-5-7 fleshy plums

How to prepare:

1. Boil a 100ml of water around the dried plums. Let it boil for 10-15 minutes and set aside.

2. In another container, mix the cocoa, oat flakes and flaxseed.

3. Add the kefir in the dry ingredients and set aside.

4. Make a puree with the plums. Mix it to the kefir.

5. Mix it well and keep it inside your fridge.

Do it regularly and you will see the development after a couple of months.

Sources: YouTube / TNP


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